in West Africa

Architecture, Heritage, Urbanism in West Africa (AHUWA) research centre is based at the University of Liverpool. We partner with institutions, collections, scholars, and communities across Africa and beyond to investigate the most pressing questions about cities, design, history, heritage, and urbanism.

We write histories and tell stories
With a focus on West Africa we write new histories and promote new voices. We have a particular specialism in modern architecture, cities, and coastal heritage.
We catalogue, record, and document architecture, heritage, and the built environment.
We work with local communities, artists, writers, designers, architects, historians, and scholars to understand heritage and culture in West Africa.

Environmental Design
The Sustainable Development Goals are at the core of all our research projects. From undertaking environmental analysis of modernist libraries through to celebrating the rich architecture and urbanism of the 'African City', we want to see places that are inclusive, resilient, and address the climate emergency.
We've worked on many projects over the years. Here's a few of our most recent collaborations.
AHUWA is a large community of scholars, designers, activists, and practitioners. The Centre is directed by Professors Ola Uduku and Iain Jackson at Liverpool School of Architecture.